Your Partner Around The Clock

We are Active Fast Attentive

At Africaribana, we believe in providing exceptional support to our valued community of sellers and buyers. That’s why we offer 24/7 customer support, ensuring that assistance is just a message or call away, no matter the time of day or night.

Why 24/7 Support Matters?

  1. Immediate Assistance: Emergencies and urgent queries can arise at any moment. Our round-the-clock support ensures that you have access to immediate assistance whenever you need it.

  2. Global Reach: Africaribana serves a diverse global audience across different time zones. Our 24/7 support accommodates sellers and buyers from around the world, making sure everyone receives timely help.

  3. Peace of Mind: Running a business can be challenging, and unexpected issues can occur. Knowing that our support team is available 24/7 provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your business with confidence.

What Our 24/7 Support Covers:

  1. Technical Assistance: Whether you encounter technical glitches, have questions about your store settings, or need help with using our platform’s features, our support team is ready to assist.

  2. Order Issues: If you face any issues related to orders, such as disputes or problems with deliveries, our support team can step in to help resolve the situation.

  3. Account and Billing: For questions about your account, billing inquiries, or commission-related matters, our support professionals are here to provide clarity and assistance.

  4. General Inquiries: Have a general question about Africaribana’s policies, services, or features? Feel free to reach out to our support team for quick and accurate information.

How to Reach Us:

Live Chat

Connect with our support team through our live chat feature on the Africaribana platform. You can start a conversation at any time, and one of our representatives will assist you promptly.

Email Support

If you prefer to communicate via email, you can send your inquiries to Our team monitors this inbox around the clock and responds to messages promptly.


Phone Support

If you prefer to communicate via email, you can send your inquiries to Our team monitors this inbox around the clock and responds to messages promptly.

With Africaribana’s 24/7 support, you can confidently join our community, knowing that you have a dedicated partner around the clock. Whether you’re navigating challenges or seeking information, we’re here to ensure your experience on our platform is smooth and successful. Join Africaribana today and experience unparalleled support that empowers your journey in e-commerce.

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